Celebrating Tet – The Festivities and Traditions of Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year, commonly known as Tet (Tết), is the most significant and widely celebrated festival in Vietnam. It marks the beginning of the lunar calendar and is a time for family reunions, cultural traditions, and vibrant festivities. In this article, we will explore the various activities and customs that make Tet a truly special and cherished occasion in Vietnamese culture.

Preparations and Decorations

Tet preparations begin weeks in advance, as families clean and decorate their homes to welcome good luck and prosperity for the coming year. Traditional symbols such as peach blossoms, kumquat trees, and red envelopes are common decorations, symbolizing luck, wealth, and happiness.

Celebrating Tet
Celebrating Tet

Family Reunions

Tet is a time for families to come together and celebrate. People often travel long distances to return to their hometowns for the festivities. Family members gather for a reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve, enjoying traditional dishes like banh chung (sticky rice cake) and mut (preserved fruits), while exchanging wishes for a prosperous year ahead.

Celebrating Tet
Celebrating Tet

Giving and Receiving Lucky Money

One of the most beloved Tet customs is the giving and receiving of lucky money, known as “li xi” in Vietnamese. Older family members give red envelopes containing money to the younger ones, symbolizing good fortune and blessings for the new year. Children eagerly anticipate this tradition and use the money to buy toys or save it for future use.

Celebrating Tet
Celebrating Tet

Visiting Ancestors’ Graves

During Tet, it is customary for families to visit the graves of their ancestors to pay respects and offer prayers. This act is believed to bring blessings and good luck to the family. People clean the graves, light incense, and make offerings of food and wine, creating a solemn and reflective atmosphere.

Celebrating Tet
Celebrating Tet

Fireworks and Lion Dance

Tet is a time of joy and celebration, and fireworks and lion dances are an integral part of the festivities. Fireworks light up the night sky, symbolizing the driving away of evil spirits and welcoming a prosperous new year. Lion dances, with their vibrant costumes and rhythmic movements, are performed to bring good luck and fortune to the community.

Celebrating Tet
Celebrating Tet

Tet is a time of cultural richness, cherished traditions, and heartfelt celebrations. It is a time when Vietnamese people come together to honor their heritage, strengthen family bonds. And welcome a new year filled with hope and prosperity. The customs and activities associated with Tet reflect the values of gratitude, respect for ancestors, and a sense of community that are deeply ingrained in Vietnamese culture. As we celebrate Tet, let us embrace the spirit of togetherness and renewal, and wish for a year filled with joy, success, and abundance. Compass Tourist hope everyone know more about Celebrating Tet in Vietnam.

If you want to book a tour to travel in Vietnam on Tet holiday. You can refer to here: https://compasstourist.com/en/category/tour/