Which season is best to go to Ninh Binh?

Overview of Ninh Binh

About 100 km from Hanoi, Ninh Binh is a suitable choice for tourists who do not have much time but want to explore majestic nature. 

Tuần Du lịch Ninh Bình dự kiến diễn ra từ ngày 27 5 | baoninhbinh.org.vn

What season is beautiful to go to Ninh Binh?

Ninh Binh is a place you can visit at many times of the year. However, you should come here in spring (January – March) when the weather is cool, there are many festivals, and summer (May – August) to see the golden rice fields or fragrant lotus ponds. Top] 12+ Địa Điểm Du Lịch Ninh Bình Rực Rỡ

Hoa Lu Ancient Capital

Hoa Lu was the capital of Vietnam from 968 – 1010, spanning three dynasties: Dinh – Early Le – Early Ly. This is one of the four core areas of the Trang An world heritage complex recognized by UNESCO. Here, visitors visit the temples of King Dinh (Dinh Tien Hoang), King Le (Le Dai Hanh) and a museum storing memorabilia. These two temples were built around the 17th century, surrounded by many green trees. Visitors should sign up to listen to explanations during the tour to better understand the historical value of this place. 

Ninh Bình: Trải nghiệm khu phố cổ Hoa Lư vừa được phục dựng

Bai Dinh Pagoda

Bai Dinh Pagoda complex was built in 2003, has an area of ​​more than 500 hectares, surrounded by magnificent limestone mountain arcs. The pagoda is divided into 2 areas: New pagoda and ancient pagoda. Here, visitors can visit on foot or travel by electric car. Some temples that tourists often visit when coming are Phap Chu Pagoda (consisting of 5 compartments, the middle compartment holds a 10m high, 100-ton Shakyamuni Buddha statue), Tam The Palace… or you can go up to the bell tower to admire the temple. Dai Hong Chung threshold weighs 36 tons. Vẻ đẹp huyền ảo và thoát tục của chùa Bái Đính về đêm

What to eat in Ninh Binh

When coming to Ninh Binh, you cannot miss the specialties of scorched rice, rare goat meat with lemon, stir-fried goat, grilled goat, roasted crab with lolot leaves, fish salad… Goat meat is a popular dish. Tourists love coming here. Goats in here are grazed on rocky mountains so their meat is firm and chewy. To find reputable restaurants with standard mountain goats, diners should go to mountainous areas such as Hoa Lu, around Trang An and Tam Coc eco-tourism areas… Điểm mặt gọi tên những quán dê ngon Ninh Bình nức tiếng

Suggested places to eat in Ninh Binh:

– Chinh Thu goat meat restaurant (Khe Thuong, Hoa Lu)

– Duc De restaurant (446 Nguyen Hue)

– Dung Pho Nui restaurant (commune Ninh Xuan, Hoa Lu)

– Ba Phan eel vermicelli (999 Tran Hung Dao)

– To Nhu vermicelli (National Highway 10, Kim Son)

– Thanh Hang sticky rice ice cream (Luong Van Tuy street , Ninh Binh City)

The following is the information that Compass Tourist would like to provide you about Ninh Binh. Wishing you a happy trip to here! If you want to visit Ninh Binh as a package, do not hesitate to contact us.